In this, the first ‘In Their Shoes’ interview, Vanessa interviews Prim a young graduate now working as a barista in Vanessas local quality coffee shop – Boscanova.
They discuss her background, education and introduction to the world of work.
In this, the first ‘In Their Shoes’ interview, Vanessa interviews Prim a young graduate now working as a barista in Vanessas local quality coffee shop – Boscanova.
They discuss her background, education and introduction to the world of work.
Vanessa interviews her regular guest, recently retired police officer Roger – this time about the European Arrest Warrant.
The European Arrest Warrant allows any EU country to issue an arrest warrant for an individual, which all other EU countries police forces will act on and deliver the arrested individual to the other countries custodial/judicial system with no reference to the arresting police forces own judicial system.
Vanessa shows that any prejudice associated with UKIP is the prejudice of UKIP’s opponents, against UKIP!
Vanessa interviews Helen Wright who, like Vanessa, has raised a disabled child. They discuss some good times and how they cope with the not so good times.
Vanessa and Helen also discuss how they met and how skills learned in the past are always an asset – and how this ties in with a new business opportunity they are working on.
Vanessa can be contacted on for more information on the business mentioned in the podcast – or for any other issues or feed back you would like to give.
You can also use that address ( to ask about any issues you would like her to cover in the next episode of ‘Off The Cuff’ – with her regular guest Roger, a recently retired police officer.