What is #FlashRally ?
It is an idea and a hope – that MPs can be made more effectively and directly accountable to their electorate – particularly in relation to honouring the EU Referendum result.
Being small, local and short it is expected that a #FlashRally can be held as needed to nudge our MP’s along – all that needs to be publicised/agreed is a date, everything else is fixed.
The format is for each constituency to have its own rallying point, and for voters/constituents to gathering for half an hour (12:30-13:00) – to capture photos/video/love-stream for social media, and to sign a petition or letter for their MP.
The hope is that every constituency can have a #FlashRally simultaneously – 650 local events, one for each constituency/MP, attended by constituents, all together making up one national event. Scheduled for 12:30 to 13:00 preferably on week days local people should be able to attend in their lunch hour.
We have had one in Brighton already – for the three constituencies/MPs that cover the city, and another is planned for Monday the 5th December. Monday is the start of the supreme court case regarding the need for MP’s to vote on invoking Article 50 starts. We have petitions for our MP’s, calling on them to let the government invoke Article 50 with no further interference, just as everyone was told they were voting for in the referendum.
Is there one for your MP/Constituency?
I will keep track of any constituency/site of any I am told about – the idea is to keep it consistent so only the dates needs publicising in future.
If there is not one in your constituency, why don’t you get it started? Someone has to! You just need to select a suitable location for people to assemble (let me know!) take a table, a banner or sign and a petition and pens.
I’ll share my petition info, I am sure others will too, so you can just copy if if you like. Then you just need to be there and let others know! And take loads of photos and video, why not live stream on periscope or similar?
The petition should take name and post code so when sent to the MP they know it is from their own constituents.
Also take email addresses from those who attend to be notified of future events (I use mailchimp to look after my lists).
This is the emailshot for your FlashRally on Monday: http://eepurl.com/cq0TkP
This is the facebook page for the FlashRally: https://facebook.com/events/583692151826921