Monthly Archives: March 2016

When I’m King – Basket Case – Batsby

Do you remember, back in the sixties, when the cost and contents of the average household’s weekly shopping basket was a regular feature on the evening news? Silly me, of course you don’t, you lithe young things, you. Actually the shopping basket as an illustration of retail prices in the UK dates back to 1947 when a typical haul contained such everyday items as loose tea, lard, wild rabbit, ox liver and mutton. Times have changed and it is interesting to see what would nowadays be deemed the ‘typical’ basket. Aside from the relative prices compared to yesteryear, the comparison reveals so much about the country’s living habits and the national basket reflects the cumulative choices of its individuals.

Source: When I’m King – Basket case – Batsby

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When I’m King – A Snake in the Grass – Batsby

The ongoing gore-fest that is the EU referendum circus shows no signs, yet, of hitting the brick wall that surely awaits it. The ‘in’ side is doing its level best to paint the worst of all possible outcomes should we leave and in the process resorting to the same tactics it deployed against Ukip in the general election. Like the serpent in Eden, Project Fear’s slithery messengers rely on repeating the same jaded message and insisting that dissenters are cracked, unhinged, or just plain evil. Go on, vote to sssstay, they sssay…. jussst do it.

Source: A snake in the grass : Batsby

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When I’m King – The Mysterious West – Batsby

Another day older and the migrant fiasco in Europe deepens still further as Greece tries to work out how it can both refuse to cooperate and still be Merkel’s pet, alternately begging for treats and cowering under the whip. Meanwhile the steady stream of wretched refugees, indistinguishable from those who wish us harm and those who would rob us blind will become a spring flood of new, eager blood until the sheer weight of numbers will make the border defences of EU perimeter countries irrelevant without resorting to fatal force.

Source : When I am king:The Mysterious West

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